Another $20 payment.

Welcome to Aussie Paid Surveys where I blog about my experiences about making money doing paid surveys with Octopus Group rated the best Paid Survey Group by Aussie Paid Surveys. (See our story)

Today I completed a survey about a health energy drink from Octopus Group . The payment for this very interesting survey got me enough money to pay out another $20 into my bank account See my updated screen shot.

The survey asked me about the energy drinks I have drunk in the last year. ( I don’t drink to many) And then compared them against a new energy drink that a company looks to release in the next year. I would have loved to have a sample but I think its just a concept so far. If it does get made I look forward to trying it out. I love the idea that my paid opinions might lead to a product getting released.

I highly recommend signing up with Octopus Group and using your opinions to make money. Costs nothing and you use your free time to make some cash.

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