Hello and Welcome to Aussie Paid Surveys where I blog about my experiences about making money doing paid surveys.
My name is Simon I am a husband and father of two children and sometimes money is tight. In April 2017 I set about trying make enough money to buy a computer using Aussie Paid Surveys. We started with 10 Aussie surveys groups. After the first year we narrowed this group down to the Best Aussie Paid Survey Group. Which is…….
Octopus group won hands down by having the highest pay out for time spent on paid surveys. None of the other Paid Survey Groups came close.
We have since received $4470.00 from doing Paid Surveys in this time. Which not only allowed me to buy a computer but has made paying bills and affording Christmas a lot easier in this time. Octopus group is no get rich quick scheme but will pay decent money. I am generally drinking coffee at home using my spare time to make this extra money.
Please follow my blog to see what sort of surveys I complete and see how much money I make. I am currently seeing if I can make $1000 a year with Octopus Group. Please let me know if you have found a better survey group and I will test it out and blog about it.
I highly recommend using Octopus Group. Not only can you make money doing the surveys but you can also make money referring friends.