Make Money with Octopus Group

Hello and Welcome to Aussie Paid Surveys where I blog about my experiences about making money doing paid surveys with Octopus Group rated the best Paid Survey Group by Aussie Paid Surveys. (See our story)

So Octopus Group has announced an increase in the amount of money it will pay for referring others to its paid survey group (up to $25 a referral) . Most of the money I make from Octopus Group comes from completing surveys. A small amount comes from referrals when people sign up from reading my blog and wanting to make money from their opinions.

At the moment it is less than 10 percent of all the money I receive from Octopus Group. Even though it is not a big percentage it is nice to get the referral fees especially when it takes me over the $20 payment threshold.

I like the fact of getting any extra dollars with fuel being over $2 it nice to fill up a tank once in a while.

I highly recommend signing up with Octopus Group and using your opinions to make money. Costs nothing and you use your free time to make some cash.

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