Another $25 Cashed Out.

Hello and Welcome to Aussie Paid Surveys where I blog about my experiences about making money doing paid surveys with Octopus Group rated the best Paid Survey Group by Aussie Paid Surveys. (See our story)

So another $25 cashed out from Octopus Group. Surveys have been coming in at one or two a day and the balance has been moving up pretty quickly. Not quite at the $1000 a year mark but hopeful I can with a bit of effort get close.

The last two surveys were easy ones. The first was a survey about a Animal Protection Group in Western Australia and my thoughts about them and what I thought about them and the second one was about a local energy provider and again what my thoughts were about them. Both took about 15 mins and bought in $6 not a bad return. The first survey was completed drinking coffee in my home. The second on my mobile phone outside of Spudshed. Money made in free time.

Moving was not cheap a couple of surveys away from another $20 into the bank account.

I highly recommend signing up with Octopus Group and using your opinions to make money. Costs nothing and you use your free time to make some cash.

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